So your team is sending you on a Manual Handling course, and you are wondering if you even need to go.
Safety Training
When people think about manual handling, they usually think it only applies to the workers out the back lifting things and carrying things all day, warehouse staff and other employees whose function is primarily moving boxes. This idea isn’t correct; manual handling applies to everyone in the business.
Whether you are involved in stocking shelves in a supermarket, working in the storeroom and are the main forklift operator carrying boxes around, manual handling training is something you need to do. Manual Handling is a course that is for anyone who may be required to move or handle loads as part of their role – even if only occasionally and it is your employer’s responsibility to ensure that this happens. Manual Handling training is a legal requirement, not a “nice to have”.
The good news for employers is that Sherlock Recruitment & Training is your “one-stop-shop” for Health and Safety training including manual handling training! We are a fully accredited provider of daily manual handling courses. Our trainers work with you to assess the needs of the various types of employees in your organisation and provide bespoke training tailored to their requirements.
We offer regular courses throughout the week and on weekends to make it easier for you to find a time that fits your schedule. We realise that different employees have different schedules or work different shifts, so make it as easy as possible for you.
It’s important to know that it is the employer who has the legal obligation to provide manual handling training approximately every three years or when a person moves into a role requiring them to undertake any form of lifting.
If the employer fails to provide this training, not only do legal sanctions for non-compliance apply but as an employer, you might also be leaving yourself open to being sued for negligence should someone get injured while at work due to a failure to get proper training.
Sherlock runs daily manual handling courses that are fully accredited and take a little of an hour. We are conveniently located in Park West and offer bespoke planning for larger groups that will work around your schedule and needs.
You can also conveniently book the course online via the Sherlock Recruitment and Training website www.sherlockrecruitment.com/training